March 26

Demolish the “What If’s”


Satan has been using the “What If’s” for decades of our lives to try to steal, kill, and destroy us and the life opportunities God has been trying to bless us with.

In some areas he has succeeded -- no matter how much success we've had in other areas of our lives. He has used the "What If's" to attack us, limiting us in SOME ways in our health, relationships, or career/finances. 

The "What If's" can cause us to hesitate or freeze up and not make the decisions we need to make to live a life of excellence, enabling us to be greater servants to more people. 

Let's spend some time reflecting on how much more impactful our lives could be if we demolished MORE OF his arguments and took MORE OF our thoughts captive to make them obedient to Christ (2Cor 10:4-5). 

Some possible changes:

•  Lose the weight

•  Stop submitting to illness

•  Prune our relationships

•  Improve our economic future

• Use you gifts to serve more

• Baptize and help more disciples of Jesus mature in the faith

Let's stop saying, "What if," and start saying, "It is written..." -- replacing the thoughts with specific  Scriptures as Jesus did in Matthew 4:1-11. Let's ratchet up our hearing, retaining, and persevering in the Word so we can produce MUCH fruit (Luke 8:15; John 15:5) for His glory (Matt 5:16). 

With God's power, we can (Psalm 18:29)!


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