January 11

“Are You Ready For 2121 (NOT 2021)?”


I was going for a walk this morning, listening to something on YouTube and a Tony Robbins commercial popped up. He asked the question, “Are you ready for 2021?” That got me to thinking.

The question isn’t will we be ready for this year. We are asking the wrong question. The question is, are we prepared for 2121. What do I mean? Chances are, none of us will be alive then. We will be somewhere else. We will either be spending eternity with God or eternity separated from him. I’ve heard it said that if you’re not ready to die, you’re not prepared to live an effective life. So, let us focus on our walk with God at the very start of the year.

If we are having our eyes set on eternity with Christ, that will change our goals, daily actions and attitudes for this year. If we are not focused on that, our schedule will show. Our plans will reveal it. So let’s stop asking if we are prepared for only this year. Inquire as to whether we are prepared for the afterlife.

Our vision for our eternity will dictate what our vision is for this year. My vision is to be with Christ and all his kingdom. This means that every quiet time, fellowship, workday, work out, Interaction with my wife, time with my children, lesson I teach, etc., is aimed toward that end. My hourly, daily, weekly and monthly scheduling and planning is based on that.

So let’s look at this year through the lens of 100 years from now. So join me this year in fixing our long-term gaze on 2121 – our eternity. If you have a hard time being excited about that, I would encourage you to read “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. Once we have the long view in mind, then we can plan for a bold and thriving 2021! #Be BoldIn2021.


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