People will believe the words of and sacrifice themselves to their idols.
Those whose idol is John Money submit to his doctrine of the LGBTQ “religion.” Instead of being living sacrifices to the one and only God, they sacrifice themselves and their children-- just as the idol worshipers of Baal did-- permanently mutilating them physically (sexually), mentally, and emotionally.
Those whose idol is Sigmund Freud submit to the doctrine of the "religion” he founded, psychology. Instead of renewing their minds in Christ by reading, understanding, believing, meditating on, and practicing his Word, they submit to the idea that the only hope for them is to "cope" by using pharmaceuticals. Therapists have taken the place of the Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6).
Those whose idol is the government will sacrifice their minds bodies and zealously preach its propaganda.
Those whose religion is "Equity"...
Those whose religion is "End Racism"...
Those whose religion is the Conservative Right...
Those whose religion is "Reproductive Rights"...
Those whose religion is [Fill in the Blank]....
You get the point. This is all idol worship and false religion we are seeing today.
Remember Jesus's words, you can recognize a tree by its fruit (Luke 6:43-45; Luke 3:7-9)
Let's pray for the church to recognize that it has been ensnared, and to turn back to the One and Only God. We can't save the world if we have become part of it.
People will believe the words of and sacrifice themselves to their idols, bringing death and destruction. Let us believe the Word and be living sacrifices to our God-- the Lord Jesus -- so we can bring life!