Are you feeling Nearly Dead spiritually? Or at least not as “alive“ as you once did? If so, are you tired of it? If not, read no further (Luke 5:31-32). If so, read on and we'll talk about what you can do to get your Passionate Love for God Back (Rev 2:4)!
Lets rewind... Remember the early days of your faith when this described you…
Are you thinking, 'I've fallen (and I can't get up
)... I can't do the things I did at first. I can't walk as Jesus did like I used to. I've fallen too far'? More importantly, do you find yourself asking, "Can I even get my fire
for God back?" This is the most important question to ask, because trying to walk like Jesus without a
for God will not work. But here is the good news...
You may have fallen, but you can get up! (Proverbs 24:16)
Here's How I Know This...
The first reason I know this is that God is love (1 John 4:16). He loves you, and the very reason He created you was to have a relationship
with you. He has spared no expense to build a life together with you (not just to keep you from going to Hell for eternity (Revelation 20:14)). He likes you. He adores you. He is FOR you! He even wants to be your friend (John 15:15). Wow! imagine that...
The second reason I know this is that Satan is a liar and an accuser (Gen 3:1-5). Since God is 100% for you, the only thing that can be holding you back is you choosing to believe the lies of the devil. So there is nothing stopping you from getting your fire and love for God back! Notice how Jesus describes the devil:
So hopefully, that settles the matter in your mind... you can get your love and fire for God back. But let's return to the first doubt that may have arisen in your mind... "I don't know if I can walk like Jesus in the way I did when I first came to believe (Heb 10:32-34)."
You can get back to that place—and even BEYOND. But it’s going to take some work. You have certainly adopted some bad habits that you need to undo. Additionally, Satan has undoubtedly snatched much of God's word out of your heart over time (Matt 13:19) and has planted some of his own evil thoughts in your heart (Matt 15:19) which you have now adopted as your own.
In addition to wondering, “Can I get my fire for God back?” you may also have these thoughts:
By God's mighty power , you can make a comeback!
This same God can also raise you back up from wherever you find yourself right now! Regardless of how dead you feel or how nonexistent fruit has been in your life, God can make you more fruitful than ever before!
God can still make a way, not matter what.
Yes, you can be that disciple who is leading his—or her (1 Corinthians 7:16)—family spiritually again, with confidence! You can step into difficult situations at work or at home, knowing that God is with you—in the power and authority of Jesus. 'You will be changed into a different person' (1 Samuel 10:6) and will slay the 'Goliaths' that are currently terrifying you. Instead of being flustered by people and situations, you’ll find yourself responding less out of weakness, anger, and impulsiveness, and more often with power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7) given to you by the Holy Spirit. You'll be the one who calms the seas instead of the one who panics (Mark 4:35-39).
This is all "possible." But you may have been trying to do all this on your own effort – apart from the Spirit. That's what I was doing.
The Israelite army confronted Goliath relying on their own strength, while David relied on God (1 Samuel 17:37). He slayed Goliath. He won the battle. This is how we will slay our "Goliath's" and win our battle against the enemy (Ephesians 6:10-17; Revelation 12:17)—by relying on God.
By God's mighty power , YOU can make a comeback! I Did....
Tired of Playing Church? Or Just Tired... Period?
Remember when you first became a Christian and felt that zeal and passion for Jesus? You couldn't wait to get up in the morning for your quiet times. When you were in the fellowship, it felt... electric! You couldn't wait to talk to people about God (imagine that—you actually talked about 'God' at church , not just, 'Hey bro, did you see the game last night?'). You had dreams for God and His Kingdom—not just for your next vacation or the house you wanted to buy. You had vision. You felt brand new—because you were! You saw rapid change in your life, and everyone around you noticed.
But gradually, things started to change. One gut punch after another. Disappointment after disappointment. You were hurt by relationships in the church, even by leaders. You saw sin go unchecked or not preached against. Prayers went unanswered. Friends moved away or even left God altogether. You began to lose hope that you could change or overcome the sin that had been plaguing you. The dreams you once had... they faded. In fact, you may have started finding excuses to miss church. Worst of all, you stopped recognizing your own sin and no longer hated it.
Yeah... I know all of this because these are things I struggled with! It’s a miserable existence.
Maybe you’ve tried everything: books, sermons, podcasts, "getting with" people, YouTube videos, even psychology. You "learned" from these resources, but there was no power in them to help you change. I did. (Hmm ... notice any particular "resource" missing from this list?) I’ll give you a hint. It starts with the letter “B” and ends with the letter “e.”
Getting Back to Jesus (Luke 5:16)
When our faith in God is weak, EVERYTHING is affected. Our health goes downhill. We eat poorly, gaining weight. Our work energy, creativity, and focus suffer. The flame in our marriages diminishes. We're impatient with our kids. We’re definitely not waking up with the zest we had when we were first baptized into Christ. We become cynical and wonder if we'll make it to the end... and if we even WANT to.
Again, I've struggled with all of these things. The longer this goes on, the more we see different parts of our lives disintegrate. New problems arise that we can't figure out. We feel like we are on a treadmill of failures in many areas of our lives—and we are (Deuteronomy 28:29) — especially us parents. What's the solution?
Not YouTubers. Not your favorite Instagram or TikTok "influencers." Not programs by success gurus. Not the latest Christian book. Not even your pastors, teachers, deacons, or elders (no matter how many degrees they have). None of these things are the answer. And not even me . The answer is simple:
My Return
So after many different books to help me grow spiritually. I even began studying Greek and Hebrew and bought a Greek-Hebrew Bible to explore the most accurate interpretation of the Word. I began studying all the major branches of theology. And, yeah, these things were of some benefit, but they didn’t change my heart or my life. They didn’t give me power over some of the extreme challenges my family and I were facing. They didn't give me the power to recognize (Psalm 36:2) and repent of sin in my life. They certainly didn’t help me dream again (Psalm 126) or have faith that God could perform miracles in my life and in my family (Matthew 13:58)!
Nothing helped until I went back to the basics in September 2023. I started to imitate Jesus by withdrawing to lonely places to pray (Luke 5:16). After a very short amount of time, I noticed my heart begin to change.

The prayer spot that shifted everything for me!
During those prayer times at the lake, I began meditating on passages of Scripture, praying through them while talking to and listening to God. I truly poured out my heart to Him (Psalm 62:8), and His Word came alive for me once more, just as it did in the earlier days of my faith—when I first "tasted the goodness of the word of God" (Heb 6:5). The words seemed to jump off the page as the Holy Spirit revealed vision, goals and plans for me, my family, my businesses, the church, and the lost world (Rev 12:9). I began to dream again... (Psalm 126:1).

There's nothing like a real Bible in your hands!
My First Breakthrough: Knowing the Father
Over the following 10 months, I saw more and more of God's work in my heart and life in all areas.
Around that time, I decided to read the Bible from cover to cover in four months. I wanted to know God and His will—not just what others had taught me over the years, but to develop my own convictions. It was an amazing experience! I completed the study in 122 days (from October 16, 2023, to February 14, 2024).
By the way, if you want to be more intentional and purpose-driven, you can check out my course, Vision Discovery Challenge! You'll achieve so much more in life.
During that time, I experienced the most radical shift in my faith, confidence, and connection with God that I had ever felt since my baptism into Christ on July 2, 1995. It helped me see God the Father and His will—and His Son Jesus—in full color!
This transformation affected every area of my life—even the most long-standing issues I struggled with. (If you do the training series, you'll learn about this in Lesson 17 [Module 4].)
My Second Breakthrough: Knowing the Son
The next transformation took place for me in the summer of 2024 when I read through all four Gospels in the wee hours of the morning during our family vacation.
While the entire Bible reading I completed from October to February was impactful, this experience was even greater. Once I finished the study, I immediately knew that I needed to create something like the training program you’re learning about right now!
My commitment to and love for Jesus reached a height I've never experienced or thought possible. I want to share this with you so that you, too, can return to your first love and walk as closely with Jesus as you did at first.
My Third Breakthrough: Knowing the Holy Spirit
The final breakthrough I want to share with you is my deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit. For many years as a Christian, my relationship with the Holy Spirit felt somewhat superficial. I had a basic understanding and reliance on Him, but it didn’t go much deeper than that.
However, after dedicating time to studying the Bible and experiencing breakthroughs in my knowledge of God the Father and Jesus His Son, I began to realize that this understanding was laying the groundwork for something bigger. It was preparing me to fully grasp the work of the Holy Spirit in my life.
As I deepened my understanding of who God is and learned to truly trust Him, I came to a profound realization: God doesn’t just love me because He’s obligated to—He actually likes me. He takes joy in me, not only because of Jesus’ sacrifice but because He genuinely sees me as precious and valuable, just as He does with every one of His children.
With this knowledge, I began to open myself up more to the Holy Spirit. I became more vulnerable with God, and through this vulnerability, I started to experience His guidance in a whole new way.
Your Breakthrough...
So that's my story. But enough about me. Let's talk about you. When you look at today, last week, last month, last year... the last few years, do you feel like you need a major breakthrough? How would that breakthrough change the next three, six, or twelve months of your life? Imagine what God can do in your life. Just imagine. Take a look at how God worked in Leo's life HERE.
Now, I want you think about how you're going to get there— how you'll get this breakthrough. Maybe you've been thinking about this already and haven't been able to figure it out. Well...
Walk As Jesus Did
I’m excited to introduce to you my Walk as Jesus Did Spiritual Training Program. The journey that God has walked with me on over the last year or so has taken me from the dwelling in a spiritual desert to dreaming in a spacious place (Psalm 18:16-19). The breakthroughs He has given me has brought me new life and a level of joy and vigor that I have never experienced before as a disciple of Jesus. And I want you to experience this life too—this life to the full! (John 10:10). My life has been one of love, confidence, power, and joy since God has "drawn me out of the deep waters." That’s why I put this training program together as a labor of love and a resource to rekindle the hearts of God's people and give hope to a dark world!
I've designed 12 online training modules, each with five lessons (video and/or text) and an assessment for each module. Every lesson includes a devotional, practical application, and a scripture meditation exercise. The goal is real transformation (not just "head knowledge") so that you will be changed (1 Sam 10:6). Others will notice (1 Tim 3:15).
Through this training, you’ll fall in love with God the Father and Jesus, His Son all over again. His love will motivate you (2 Cor 5:14) to walk as He did in ways you never have before. You’ll surprise yourself as you start do even more than you did at first!
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
Once you register for the program that you feel best meets your needs, you'll receive your Welcome Email with everything you need to get started. Then you’re ready to dive into the first module, Walk As Jesus Did: Shepherd Your Flock With His Strength. Each day unlocks a new lesson, paced intentionally to give you space to reflect and let the Holy Spirit guide your growth. You can complete a lesson a day, five days a week, with the sixth day for assessments and the seventh for reflection or rest. Alternatively, you can spend multiple days on each lesson, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you at His pace. Flexibility is key—but remember, staying consistent is where transformation happens.
You will be changed into a different person when the love of the Father gets ahold of you. As your intimacy with Him grows, you will bring His love down from Heaven and send it out into everyone you touch (1Jhn 4:19)
As you grow more secure in His love (when you recognize who you are in Christ), you will feel the confidence that David had when he faced Goliath. This will impact every relationship and area of your life (Pro 28:1)!
You will start to notice that that challenges that once brought you to your knees are now no match for you because of the work that God has been doing in you through the Holy Spirit as you abide in Christ (Eph 1:19-20)
Life to the Full.
As you walk securely in the love of your Abba, Father day-by-day, moment-by-moment, full of the Holy Spirit, you will experience joy, vigor, and exuberance with your restored vision to advance the kingdom of your Father, come what may!
Great question! You don’t need another coaching program, more training materials, another thing to do, or another 'investment in yourself' (that actually turns out to be an 'expense' that wastes your time and money). What you need is love, confidence, power, and life to the full!
Module 1 | Walking as Jesus Did: Shepherding with His Strength (John 15:1-8)
To start, you’ll begin to regain the incredible peace, strength, and encouragement you felt at the very beginning by focusing on and abiding in Jesus. Then He’ll start to give you the wisdom and love to lead and care for your family and those around you. [Part of the Abide & Guide Bundle]
Module 2 | Walking as Jesus Did: Loving Unconditionally (Luke 6:35)
You’ll reach a deeper level of love for the people in your life as you return to the cross of Jesus as your standard. [Part of the Abide & Guide Bundle]
Module 3 | Walking as Jesus Did: Living with Purpose (Mark 1:8)
You’ll gain a deeper and broader understanding of God’s purpose for your life, compelling you to reach new heights and depths for your Father in Heaven. [Part of the Abide & Guide Bundle]
Module 4 | Walking as Jesus Did: Returning to Your First Love (Matt 22:37-38)
You’ll regain that sparkle in your eye for God, and it will grow even greater than the love you felt for Him at first as the Holy Spirit works deeply within your entire being!
Module 5 | Walking as Jesus Did: In the Power of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26)
You’ll experience a deeper level of worship and walk in the Spirit, encountering love, power, confidence, and joy as you maintain continual communion with God, transforming every relationship and aspect of your life.
Module 6 | Walking as Jesus Did: Daily Denial and Taking Up Your Cross (Luke 9:23-26)
You’ll gain a new perspective on walking in Jesus’s way of sacrificial love, inspiring you to a deeper level of intimacy with God—free from legalism and asceticism.
Module 7 | Walking as Jesus Did: Cultivating a Life of Prayer and Intimacy with God (Mark 1:35)
You’ll start to walk with God in every aspect of your life as you create a lifestyle centered on seeking special time with Him.
Module 8 | Walking as Jesus Did: Building a Legacy of Faith (Matthew 7:24-25)
You’ll become more intentional and practical in leading the next generation by the example of faith you’re building.
Module 9 | Walking as Jesus Did: Engaging in Spiritual Warfare (John 16:33)
You’ll begin to build a more comprehensive strategic battle plan for both offensive and defensive warfare against the enemy.
Module 10 | Walking as Jesus Did: Embracing Humility and Serving Others (Luke 22:26)
You’ll become more intentional in finding and creating opportunities to lay your life down emotionally and physically to build the faith of others.
Module 11 | Walking as Jesus Did: Putting Your Faith Into Action (Mark 11:22-23)
You’ll learn to open yourself up to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to guide you into the vision for whatever season of life you’re in, creating plans and executing them.
Module 12 | Walking as Jesus Did: Persevering and Finishing the Race (Matthew 27:50)
By sharpening your focus on the ultimate goal of your faith, you’ll learn to develop perseverance and assurance as you move forward in advancing God’s kingdom, come what may.
Let's Prosper Together!
25 A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25)
I want to "refresh" you with some bonus materials to help you "prosper"—while also prospering myself in the process! Here are some (that'll make your life better) BONUSES you'll get along with whichever program you choose. I'll be adding MORE as the Spirit leads me to serve you better!
How To Live Life to the Full AT WORK
After you finish Module 2, you'll get this bonus that'll teach you real, actionable strategies and everyday "To-Do's" based on the God's word, not on secular success gurus (BCV).
Complimentary Success Call
I want to ensure you get the most from your investment! In this complimentary success call (usually $100 per session), we’ll discuss your goals, and I’ll create a personalized plan based on your temperament, insights from our prayer, and what you share. This tailored advice will help you get the best results from your training program.
Feasting During Famine
Many people—even Christians—live in fear of famine. But God promises fruitfulness, even in difficult times. In this bonus lesson, I’ll share with you scriptural insights and practical guidance to show you how to shift your mindset to bear fruit, even when the world around you is struggling.

About Me,
Thomas Hadley
Finding Spiritual Lessons
I’m the kind of person who can’t help but find spiritual lessons in just about everything I see or do. When I’m in the car with my son, and he’s telling me about a video game he’s playing and the strategies he’s using to win, some sort of spiritual lesson pops into my mind. My son’s probably thinking, “Oh boy … here he goes again. Here comes another lesson... How long will this one take?”
But it’s not something I do on purpose—it just comes to me naturally.
A Passion for Teaching
I’ve always loved teaching people. Whether it was back in the day when I was into weightlifting and bodybuilding or now, as I share the lessons I'm learning in my daily walk with God. Most of the
time, that means discussing God and His word (Jeremiah 20:9). I know it can be a lot for some people—especially my family—but God is what fills my heart and life. He is my Best Friend and Father, and when He shares something with me, I just have to share it with others.
Real-Life Applications
Everything I create—whether it’s content, products, or services—comes from my own real-life applications and the lessons I share with others. I often get text messages from brothers and sisters in the church or from friends, and I respond with whatever insights God has given me. When they tell me how much it helps, I know those lessons are worth sharing with more folks. That’s some of what you see in this training material. Many of the lessons I’ve shared in conversations or text messages have impacted others, and since they’ve been tested and proven helpful, I pass them on to others. My most significant lessons come from standing under the stars in my morning quiet times with God or from reading His word (while my family is still getting their zzZZ's). From there, I gain insights for my own life that I can also apply to others.
A Labor of Love
You could call it a gift or a curse. I think my family might say it’s a little bit of both! But at the end of the day, everything I do is a labor of love. I’m just someone who loves learning from God and sharing what I’ve been given. That’s what drives this training program, and that’s what drives everything I create.
In Their Own Words...
Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips. Proverbs 27:2

Jeff Smyth
"Thomas is an exceptionally well-read and insightful teacher. Having known him for many years, I can attest to his wisdom and spirituality. He has a deep understanding of God's word, and his material holds my attention well.
In this training program, he demonstrates his dedication to student learning and his passion for teaching. During a conversation, Thomas shared a personal life lesson he learned through teaching, which exemplified his genuine care for the material and for those he instructs.
Although he may not have 'formal training' as a Bible teacher, his dedication to studying and applying the Bible, along with his personal experience and natural teaching ability, make him a trustworthy and reliable program instructor. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking to grow in their relationship with God."

Mike & Melanie Wooten
"Thomas has been a dear friend for the past 20 years. He is a man of strong character who conducts his life and leads his family in a very spiritual manner.
He is an inspiration with his steadfast love of the Lord and his continual striving to know and understand God and his Word, deepening his convictions day by day. Thomas is a modern-day 'noble Berean,' who is extremely knowledgeable, yet always reaching for a deeper understanding.
He finds great joy in sharing Scripture and enjoys hearing perspectives from others. We are all blessed to have Thomas in our lives, and are encouraged and uplifted by his daily lessons."
Why Keep Wasting Time & Money? Get Lasting Transformation Here.
I’ve seen so many people spend thousands on conferences, seminars, and spiritual retreats, all in search of that elusive “breakthrough” that lasts—even after the original excitement that we usually lose after “coming down from the mountain" of the retreat weekend. Some invest in private coaching, which can easily cost $200 per session. Others might spend $5,000 to $10,000 (or more) on retreats, coaching programs, or mastermind groups led by secular success gurus. There are those who choose the spiritual route, enrolling in expensive theology courses at universities, hoping for a deeper understanding that might bear fruit in their lives—often for $3,000 to $10,000 or more for a single course.
Then there are people who turn to various types of therapy, hoping to heal from mental and emotional wounds or to fix a broken marriage, only to find that the root of the problems remain unresolved. Only the Holy Sirit can get to the root. Sadly, some even end up taking their own lives or getting divorced (even with some "Christian counseling"). If these solutions truly worked, why are suicide and divorce rates still so high?
Because Jesus is the only answer.
Mark 5:25-29
25 And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. 26 She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. 27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
These other options to healing are merely "aids" to the work of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, they can be a distraction or even a hindrance, working against the very principles of God's Word (consider studying the history of psychiatry).
The reality is that while these options might provide some insight, they don’t offer the long-term, day-to-day guidance needed to truly transform your walk with God. In short, they won't bring you the love, confidence, and power (2Tim 1:7) that only the Holy Spirit can bring you and that you need to live life to the fullest.
So, whether you're looking for a spiritual breakthrough or for help that "therapy" hasn't delivered on, with the "Walk as Jesus Did" training programs, you won’t just get surface-level teachings. You’ll dive into up to 12 modules of in-depth, practical lessons, tools, and training designed to help you rekindle your fire for God and walk with Him daily in love, confidence, and power. Most importantly, no matter which program option you choose, you’ll learn how to lead your family spiritually, reignite your passion for God, and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.
And this isn’t just theory. I live and breathe everything I share in this material. It’s all inspired by my own walk with God, not regurgitated from other authors. Plus, unlike books, podcasts, or other spiritual materials, the content is regularly updated. As I gain new insights, deeper experiences, and real-life lessons, they get added to the training material. So the program you enroll in today will only become more valuable over time. It’s truly led by the Holy Spirit!
The value of that kind of transformational experience?
Abide in Him (John 15:1-8) and you'll start guiding "them"— the flock under your care (John 10:1-18). This 2-module self-paced training material will get you back on track in walking in love and trust with God and in leading and loving the flock He has put under your care (John 21:15-17).
As you abide in Him, he will empower and guide you to Walk as He did. This 12-module self-paced training program is a more comprehensive guided journey toward a life to the full!
pick Up Your Mat!
"Do you [really] want to get well?" Are you serious enough to "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk? (John 5:1-9) This program sets up online tracking for accountability on key daily/weekly actions. This will speed your progress!
I will (boldly!) reach my goal
Moxie. Jesus had it (Luke 13:31-33). Do you? He did everything well (Mark 7:37). Do you? This training features 1-on-1 custom, results-based coaching targeting a specific 12-week measurable outcome. What goal will take you to the next level? What's robbing you of life to the full? What has imprisoned you and stolen your confidence? Together, we'll attack
the stronghold in your life!
Abide in Him (John 15:1-8) and you'll start guiding "them"— the flock under your care (John 10:1-18). This 2-module self-paced training material will get you back on track in walking in love and trust with God and in leading and loving the flock He has put under your care (John 21:15-17).
As you abide in Him, he will empower and guide you to Walk as He did. This 12-module self-paced training program is a more comprehensive guided journey toward a life to the full!
pick Up Your Mat!
"Do you [really] want to get well?" Are you serious enough to "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk? (John 5:1-9) This program sets up online tracking for accountability on key daily/weekly actions. This will speed your progress!
I will (boldly!) reach my goal
Moxie. Jesus had it (Luke 13:31-33). Do you? He did everything well (Mark 7:37). Do you? This training features 1-on-1 custom, results-based coaching targeting a specific 12-week measurable outcome. What goal will take you to the next level? ⭐ What's robbing you of life to the full? What has imprisoned you and stolen your confidence? Together, we'll attack💥 the strongholds in your life!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days — But Only If You Put in the Work
I am fully confident that the Walk as Jesus Did training program can transform your walk with Christ, but this transformation requires genuine effort. That’s why I offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee—but it comes with one condition: you must have completed the work.
Here’s how it works:
If, after 30 days, you’ve given this training program your full effort by completing each module and submitting the required assessments, but still feel you haven’t experienced growth or transformation, I’ll gladly refund your money. However, this training program is not a quick fix or a passive experience. It’s about partnering with God and being active in your spiritual walk. If you don’t put in the effort, you forfeit the right to a refund.
I want to work with those who are truly committed to their growth, not just looking for an easy way out. If you’re serious about walking as Jesus did, this training will give you the tools you need. But ultimately, the transformation comes from your dedication and God’s work in your life.

Pure Gold! Growing in Prayer and Leading My Family with God's Help
Leo Marin- Orange county, CA
Pure gold! I've received 10x the value of what I invested in the coaching, in addition to the Abide & Guide training material. Since starting this program, my son has studied the Bible with me, and I'm now like a kid in a candy store when it comes to Bible reading. I'm so excited to spend time in the Word— I'm reading the Bible more than I ever have! I'm growing and eager to continue deepening my prayer life and everything else that's coming.
Lesson 12 (from Module 3) was especially powerful for me. It connected me into a deeper prayer life with our Father. The understanding I gained about how we pray and how we perceive our prayer life was the most important takeaway for me. I've also found that Lesson 13 (from Module 3) has really helped me feel more comfortable with who I am and what I truly represent. This study has been life-changing!
I can't thank Thomas enough! It's challenging to have a wife and children who aren't Christians, but this program is helping me lead my family spiritually and draw closer to God. I'm seeing my marriage transform and deepen in intimacy and vulnerability, both with my wife and with me. I've been able to share my relationship with God with all of my kids by my example and by sharing the Bible with them directly.

Let the Holy Spirit lead you at the pace that is right for you.
First, this is not a "course." It is a training program that is focused on getting you tangible results that everyone can see your progress (1Tim 4:15). Secondly, is not just theory—it’s based on real-life, daily practices that have been proven effective. Unlike many "courses," it’s regularly updated with fresh insights and lessons from the program creators daily walk with God. You’ll receive practical, Holy Spirit-led tools to apply every day, making it much more than just a one-time experience.
No. The Walk as Jesus Did course is designed for anyone who desires to grow deeper in their relationship with God—whether you’re just starting or have been a Christian for years.
This material is built on biblical principles and real-life practices that have transformed lives. If you commit to engaging with the material, you will see growth.
In Luke 10:7, Jesus says, "The worker deserves his wages." What you're paying for in this program is an economic exchange for services that should lead to real, desired outcomes—such as an improved family life, a transformed thought life, and more. Many services in the market promise these outcomes but often fail to address the root causes of the issues they claim to solve. Their pricing reflects a certain market rate, but those services can leave you dependent on them long-term, becoming an ongoing financial burden without true resolution.
What I'm charging takes those market rates into account, but more importantly, it reflects a commitment to addressing the core issues that keep people trapped in cycles of dependency. Instead of an indefinite financial drain, your investment in this program is for real transformation and freedom—an opportunity to permanently resolve the challenges that other services only manage.
The truth is, there really isn't a standard market rate for actually solving these problems, because most services in the market don’t fix the root issues—they only treat the symptoms. What you're investing in is a solution that breaks the cycle. So, while there might be rates for services that keep you coming back, what you're paying me is a fair and deserved wage for resolving the problem at its core, which is something those services can't claim. There’s no true comparison to the value of lasting transformation.
While the focus is on personal spiritual growth, it also equips you to lead others—whether in your family, church, or community. You’ll gain practical tools for discipleship, loving unconditionally, and leading by example.
Unlike many "courses" that offer static content, the Walk as Jesus Did material is constantly updated, evolving, and improving. I regularly refine the lessons and modules based on new insights, real-life experiences, and feedback, ensuring that you’re always receiving the fresh guidance I receive from the Holy Spirit..
Limited access options are priced accordingly, giving you access to valuable material without the ongoing updates and improvements that come with lifetime access. This means lifetime access has a much greater value because the course is continually growing with fresh content that deepens and enriches your learning experience.
This program is designed for those who feel a deep connection to the message and are ready to put in the work to grow their relationship with God. If you’re feeling stuck, disconnected, or drained, and this resonates with your heart, it’s likely a great fit.
It's for people who are willing to actively pursue their relationship with God, take Him at His Word, and commit to making meaningful changes in their lives. If you’re ready to put in the effort to apply God’s truth and see real transformation, then this journey is for you.
However, if you’re looking for a quick fix or are hesitant to put in the work required for real spiritual growth, this may not be the best fit. It’s for those who are ready to take ownership of their walk with God and are committed to deepening their relationship with Him.
Abide in Him (John 15:1-8) and you'll start guiding "them"— the flock under your care (John 10:1-18). This 2-module self-paced training material will get you back on track in walking in love and trust with God and in leading and loving the flock He has put under your care (John 21:15-17).
As you abide in Him, he will empower and guide you to Walk as He did. This 12-module self-paced training program is a more comprehensive guided journey toward a life to the full!
pick Up Your Mat!
"Do you [really] want to get well?" Are you serious enough to "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk? (John 5:1-9) This program sets up online tracking for accountability on key daily/weekly actions. This will speed your progress!
I will (boldly!) reach my goal
Moxie. Jesus had it (Luke 13:31-33). Do you? He did everything well (Mark 7:37). Do you? This training features 1-on-1 custom, results-based coaching targeting a specific 12-week measurable outcome. What goal will take you to the next level? What's robbing you of life to the full? What has imprisoned you and stolen your confidence? Together, we'll attack
the strongholds in your life!
Abide in Him (John 15:1-8) and you'll start guiding "them"— the flock under your care (John 10:1-18). This 2-module self-paced training material will get you back on track in walking in love and trust with God and in leading and loving the flock He has put under your care (John 21:15-17).
As you abide in Him, he will empower and guide you to Walk as He did. This 12-module self-paced training program is a more comprehensive guided journey toward a life to the full!
pick Up Your Mat!
"Do you [really] want to get well?" Are you serious enough to "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk? (John 5:1-9) This program sets up online tracking for accountability on key daily/weekly actions. This will speed your progress!
I will (boldly!) reach my goal
Moxie. Jesus had it (Luke 13:31-33). Do you? He did everything well (Mark 7:37). Do you? This training features 1-on-1 custom, results-based coaching targeting a specific 12-week measurable outcome. What goal will take you to the next level? ⭐ What's robbing you of life to the full? What hasimprisoned you and stolen your confidence? Together, we'll attack this stronghold in your life!
Ezekiel 36:26-27
26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws
As one of God’s coworkers, I long to partner with Him to strengthen and revive your faith as a tool for transformation! (1 Cor 3:5-9).
Invest in Yourself
Don’t be cheap with your own growth. We don’t hesitate to spend money on vacations, hobbies, and entertainment. But what return are you really getting on those investments? You could spend thousands on things that give a temporary thrill, but do they bring lasting fulfillment?
We even invest in our own health with fitness trainers or get tutoring for our children. Although both of these are good things, none of them have the practical impact on our lives here on earth that our faith does, not to mention our eternity.
Prioritize your spiritual training and take the step that will change your life and eternal destiny. Stop putting it off.
Start with Abide and Guide, and be ready to see transformation.
With me, you’re not paying for a coaching program, a training program, more knowledge, or someone to be “open with.” You’re paying for results.
Register now and see for yourself. Remember Leo... and let's work on your transformation story!

A Final Word: Invest in Yourself.
Are you walking in love, confidence, and power in your life? I’m not talking about “all the time.” We all struggle. But is it typically true of you? What would your spouse say (If you're married)? Do you feel like you’re living life to the full?
If you do, amen! Keep doing what you’re doing. But if not, imagine how different today—or tomorrow—would look if you were. I really want you to think about it.
What was the low point of your day yesterday? Maybe it was at work, with your spouse, or with your kids. Was it your boss or a coworker who got under your skin for the millionth time , and you didn't have the power to resist the temptation to feel bitter or retaliate? I find that there is often a figurative Goliath who "keeps coming out" and shouting defiance at us in our lives (1Sam 17:23-25) But God has also been preparing you to fight him. I wrote about this HERE) Or was it your spouse
who hurt your feelings, causing you to hold back your heart from being encouraging or serving because of it? How different would these moments have been if you’d been walking in the power of the Spirit?
What’s Stopping You?
Let’s look at it from another angle. Take a look at your plans for today and tomorrow. Are there things you’re afraid to do or too discouraged to try again because your faith isn’t where it needs to be? God wants to transform that right now. He wants to transform you.