Walk As Jesus Did

Premium course




Spiritual Training

3 Assessments, 17 Lessons

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Walk As Jesus Did

Premium course

This lesson emphasizes the importance of abiding in Jesus, recognizing that apart from Him, we can do nothing. By immersing ourselves in the Gospels, we’ll learn to walk as He did, allowing His life to shape ours and produce fruit that glorifies God.

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This lesson shows how God conforms us into His likeness through shepherding, modeled for us by Jesus. As we abide in Him and following His example of knowing, leading, and sacrificing for those in our care, we allow God to deepen our character and relationships.

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This lesson explores Jesus’ authority over evil forces and how the enemy uses fear to distract us from our mission. We’ll learn to stand firm and shepherd others with confidence, knowing that in Christ, the victory is already secured.

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This lesson focuses on our calling to reflect Christ’s light in the world, whether in parenting or leading others. It emphasizes being an example of His love and truth while understanding that each person is responsible for their own salvation.

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This lesson focuses on how should model Jesus's prayer life. In order for us to carry out our purpose as disciples of Jesus and adopted sons of God, we have to rely heavily on prayer. I also share my some of my prayer practices to give you some practical guidance on how you can create a lifestyle of prayer.

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This lesson delves into Jesus’ unconditional love, even in the midst of suffering. We’ll explore how to love others without conditions, following His example on the cross, and learn to reflect His love in our most challenging relationships.

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This lesson highlights leading with grace, as demonstrated by Jesus with the woman caught in adultery. It encourages extending grace in relationships by balancing truth and love, inspired by the grace we've received from God..

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In the first two lessons of this module, we focused on love through self-denial and on extending and creating an environment of grace. In this lesson, I’m going to zoom out and look at God’s grace. It’s looking more closely at understanding His grace that enables us to create that atmosphere of grace and even deny ourselves to love when it’s difficult.

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In this lesson, we’ll build on the themes of loving through difficulty and creating grace-filled environments by learning to let go of control. We’ll focus on appreciating and celebrating people as they are, being patient with their journeys, and entrusting them to God’s care. By doing so, we reflect Christ’s unconditional love and create a space for others to grow into who God designed them to be.

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Premium course

This lesson explores the balance of guiding others with grace and truth, following Jesus' example. We’ll examine how to encourage repentance and spiritual growth while fostering loving relationships, ensuring that our influence leads others closer to God rather than simply enforcing rules.

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As we begin to focus on purpose, we will take step back and look at our identity in Christ and the impact it should have on us as Jesus's disciples even before and apart from us engaging in the actual "work" of being a Christian.

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This lesson explores what it means to walk with God as His children, focusing on the intimacy and trust found in a father-child relationship. We’ll learn to approach God with the simplicity and eagerness of a child, practice ongoing conversation with Him, and reflect on how desiring His presence shapes our journey toward eternity with Him.

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In this lesson, we’ll explore how Jesus listened to His Father in various ways, including through the Scriptures, and discuss practical ways we can listen to God to discern His will in our daily walk with Him.

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In Lesson 14, "Jesus: With Him, We Go and Meet Needs," we build on the foundation of our identity as God’s children and the communication we’ve established with our Abba Father. With this relationship, we are called to listen for His guidance on how to love and serve others. This lesson emphasizes the importance of spending intimate time with God to experience oneness with Him, receiving His Spirit of love, and being equipped with specific action plans to meet the needs of those around us. We also explore the resilience and calm required to carry out these plans in the face of daily challenges, following the example of Jesus who remained peaceful amidst chaos.

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In this lesson, we focus on the mission Jesus gave us to preach the gospel and make disciples. This lesson covers four key aspects—preaching, teaching, discipling, and encouraging—each essential for advancing God’s kingdom. We are called to boldly share the good news, guide those who are seeking, hold disciples accountable to Jesus’ teachings, and provide encouragement to those in need.

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Premium course

Sin will destroy love (because of the increase in wickedness the love of most will grow cold). Satan can snatch the word from our hearts. We walk away from God‘s righteous ways and slowly, but surely our hearts are hardened toward the people in our lives, and more importantly, towards God. In this lesson, we will talk about repentance that can soften our hearts to restore our first love!

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About the teacher

Thomas Hadley

The aim of TheBarnabasMinistries.com is to encourage you that in a world that seems to be out of control and uncertain, you can live confidently and effectively knowing that God is still very much in control and has a plan for your life.

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